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Thursday, March 8, 2012

What to do in class Friday, March 9

Hi folks-
I'm home with a sick child, so you should do the following in class:

1) Take the quiz!

2) Your task is to make a presentation that covers the important material in chapter 26. You may work in groups of up to 4 to do this. You may use VoiceThread, Educreations or ShowMe or another app to do so, but your end product must be shared via your blogs!

You should focus your presentation on one of the following topics (so mix it up with different groups taking different topics!):

A) What is important in this chapter?

Who are the significant people, places and events?

B) How do the contents of this chapter reflect change and continuity from the earlier chapter on Sub-Saharan Africa? (Chapter 19)

C) How do the events in this chapter compare and contrast to the events in the chapter before (chapter 25), vis a vis the European interaction with indigenous Americans and residents of Oceania.

As you compile them, you should take the perspective that these presentations will be useful for review later on. Post the final product on your blog by Monday's class.

For homework, visit the other blogs. Use the links on the protopage to get there ( ) Read pages 712-718 to finish the chapter. We will be moving on to China (chapter 27) starting on Monday.

That's it. Enjoy the weekend, and see you Monday.

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