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Friday, September 26, 2014

Homework for the weekend of September 25

You have your first test on Monday!  The test will cover the Colonial Era.  The structure of the test is as follows:
Part 1) Geography. You will have to correctly place (from memory) the 13 colonies on a blank map.
Part 2) Fill in the blank.  You will have a word bank and 10 fill in the blank sentences. There will be more words than blanks. Write the correct word in the space.
Part 3) Short Answers. There will be 5 questions.  Choose three and write complete, short answers to the questions asked. You must use complete sentences.
Part 4) Multiple Choice. There will be four questions. Answer them all.

You should review your notes from class over the weekend.  Try to ask yourself questions or have a friend ask you questions.  Obviously multiple choice questions focus on details, and the short answer questions are less detail-oriented.  You can practice putting the colonies on the map on your own as well. You have a list of vocabulary that you can use to create flash cards.  There are many ways to prepare for this test.  Don't wait until 11 pm on Sunday night to do so!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Homework for September 23

Today in class we started your first project: design a way for a person to memorize the locations and names of the 13 Colonies.  The rubric for the assignment is linked up here and it is available in Google Classroom.  You will have some time tomorrow to work on the project, but not a lot, and it is due at the end of the class period.

In class tomorrow, you will have a writing assignment to complete.  Your prompt will be: Based on your identity, could you have lived in the colonies?  Provide proof from each of the 7 areas to support why or why not.  The seven areas we've discussed are: Housing/clothing, Government system, Native American relations, Money/Economics, Food, Religion, and Wars.  You should pre-plan your writing tonight, but you will actually be writing it in class tomorrow without the aid of notes!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Homework for September 22

Today in class we wrapped up the French and Indian War, took a vocabulary quiz, and took a look at the religions found in the colonies.  That presentation is linked up here.

For homework tonight, write Journal Prompt #3, shared with you in your Google Classroom folder and linked up here.  Given what you've learned about the wars, relationship with native Americans, and religions, could you live in the colonies?  Be sure to give evidence to support your claims, and be sure to address each of the three areas mentioned!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Homework for the weekend of September 19

Today in class we looked at the relationship that existed in the Colonial Era between the Native Americans and the colonists leading up to and through the French and Indian War. The powerpoint from today is linked up here. We will finish it up on Monday.

Over the weekend, you should study for our first vocabulary quiz.  We recommend the use of the app Quizlet as a way to help to create flashcards.  The link will take you to the App Store if you want to download it.

The list of vocabulary terms is below.  We will also be having our first test next Friday! More information to come, but it will be comprehensive and cover everything we've been doing since school started...

Vocab List
Indentured Servant
Cash Crop

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Homework for September 18th

Tonight, you should go to the digital textbook: Once there, click the link on the left "Colonial Era."  Once in the "Colonial Era" section, click on the "Textbook" tab at the top under the banner, then scroll down to the link to The Seven Years War.  Open that selection and read it.  There will be a reading check on the section tomorrow when you come to class!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Homework for September 16th

In class today we worked with four documents that had to do with the Colonial and British Government. (each student looked at two documents) Each document had a slightly different task.  The documents by Hobbes and Locke had questions to answer along with them, and they were posted in Classroom.  The documents themselves are linked up above.  The descriptions of the British and Colonial systems of government are linked up.  For those documents you need to diagram what the government looked like (while giving an explanation if you like) using Explain Everything, and share your links with Mr. Whitten and Ms. DelLlano via email, or through the app itself. (,

For tonight, finish answering questions or making your drawing for the documents you worked with in class.  We will work with the other two documents in class tomorrow.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Homework for Monday, September 15

Happy Constitution Week!

Today in class we talked about the idea of money, and discussed how it was used in the colonies.  The presentation from today is linked up here, in case you want to go back and look at it again.

For homework tonight, go to The Diary of Manesseh Minor, a man who lived in colonial New England.  Read his entries for April, May and June 1707. (They are all pretty short!) Consider what his life must be like if these are the things that he chooses to record in his diary.  Does his life sound fun? Exciting? There's nothing to write here, but his diary entries will be coming back to you later in this unit, so you may want to jot down a few impressions as notes to refresh your memories later on.

Friday, September 12, 2014

The weekend of September 12th

Is a no homework weekend!

You should be sure that you have submitted the past assignments--check google classroom and past posts to ensure that you have all the homework done!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Welcome Parents

We wanted to welcome the parents to our classroom for tonight so they could learn more about what is happening in the class!  To better foster communication between home and school, we would like to invite parents to provide us with some contact information, so we can better be in touch about the progress their children are making in our class.  Please fill out the google form embedded below to let us know how to best reach you to share information and update you on what is happening in US History I!

Homework for September 11th

Today in class we went over the types of houses people lived in during the Colonial Era, and spent some time exploring the clothing that people wore here in the colonies.  The presentation we saw is linked up here, and the web address for the Colonial Williamsburg clothing site is here.

For your homework tonight, go to your Classroom folder and type an answer to the prompt you see in Journal Entry #2.  Remember to click Turn In when you are finished!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

With a little luck...

Hopefully we have the filter problems resolved and you can now see this blog!

Today in class we make our identity masks.  If you did not finish the mask in class, please do so for homework tonight.

Additionally, please go back to your Classroom folder in Google Drive and check for an assignment called "Journal Entry #1." At the top of the page, there is a button with the words "Turn In" on it.  Be sure to click that button once you have written the assignment!  Some of you wrote the entry by hand, and if that is the case, please type it up on the google doc--these journal entries need to be kept in one digital folder so you can easily refer back to them as we go through the class.  So check to be sure that you have submitted it--there is no late penalty for it if you haven't! If for some reason you have trouble accessing the Classroom folder, be sure you entered the code correctly to join the class! The code is: 465xtt.

Tomorrow we'll be looking at the houses people lived in and the clothing that they wore in Colonial America...

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Homework for September 9--Mask Preparation

Today in class we went over how other people's labels and descriptions can impact a person's identity.  Tomorrow in class we will wrap up the identity unit with the creation of masks that represent our internal and external identities.  You will have access to masks, markers, crayons, pencils, glue and scissors in class, but if you wish to have pictures, or typed words, you should gather that information yourself tonight and bring them to class tomorrow.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Homework for September 8--Journal Prompt #1

For tonight, you are to type a response to the following prompt:

Experiences help us define who we are and who we are not. Identify an experience that shaped your identity. Describe this event or experience and then explain the impact it had on how you answer the question: "Who am I"?

A google doc has been shared with you through your US History I Classroom folder.  You may write the answer to the prompt on the doc there, or you may compose your own.  If you compose your own, please copy and paste the prompt from above and type your answer below.  Then share the document with Ms. D and Mr. Whitten.  Printed copies will not be accepted, nor will hand-written ones.

This will count as a homework grade.

If you did not finish your bio-poem in class, you must do so for homework.  That may be handwritten and illustrated and fancy, or it may just be typed and simple.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Homework over the weekend

Happy Friday! In class today we started a conversation about the American identity. We began with looking at a short selection from The House On Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros, called My Name. In this selection Esperanza talks about her name and what it means to her.

Over the weekend, you are to construct your own identity chart or picture that illustrates who you are and the things that make you, you. Below is a picture of mine to give you a sense of how you can construct your own. It is just a guideline, you don't have to make yours like mine! (Because that wouldn't be your identity, now, would it?) 

Please have a paper copy of your identity chart to hand in at the start of class on Monday.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Today in class we went over some of the basic demographic information for the 13 colonies leading up to the American Revolution.  The in-class questions are available in Google classroom and are linked up here if you would like another copy.  The presentation slides are linked up here and are also posted in Google Classroom.

Tonight for homework take a look at a digital textbook we will be using from time to time.  The link to the textbook is Bookmark this site! When you get there, you will see this screen:

Down in the bottom left corner, in the column called ERAS is the hyper-link to the Colonial Era.  Click that link and explore what is there. You do NOT have to read it all, just poke around a bit.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Maps for homework

For tonight, you should finish making your copy of the 13 Colonies Map. The copy of the map we used in class is below.  After you finish making the map, take a picture of the map with your iPad so you have a digital copy of it.  You will be handing in the paper copy at the start of class tomorrow.  It will count for a homework grade. (Your first grade of the term! Woo Hoo!)

Once that is done, please go to and explore a little. When prompted to enter a code to join a class, enter 465xtt which should get you to the US History I classroom site, but if it doesn't, don't panic!    

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First day!

Welcome to US History I!  To get you familiar with us and the course, you need to read the Course Expectations Handout, which is linked up here.