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Monday, March 31, 2014

Class plan for Monday, March 31

Sorry to not be with you today! For class, here's what I want you to do:

First, watch the Crash Course video on the Industrial Revolution linked up here. Argue about whether or not he is a Euro-centrist on your own time.

Second. As John Green points out, for about 15,000 years of human history, little changed when it came to work.  Who did it, how it was done, where it was done, all of that stayed the same.  Everything people needed was crafted within walking distance of their homes.  Specialized labor made it so that local needs were met by local people.  Exceptions to this rule were luxury items like silks and porcelain, which were imported over great distances and, thus, were expensive luxury items.  But even those were made by hand, by people (artisans) living in villages and towns.  And a luxury good is something that people want, not exactly what people need. (An important distinction!)

So people worked from sunrise to sunset, generally on their own or with an apprentice or a partner.  They mostly worked at home, or in a place really nearby to home (so as not to waste daylight hours walking). They were paid based on what they made.  So shoe-makers didn’t get a daily wage, they got paid when the shoes were made or repaired, and the owner came to purchase them. Or when they dropped the shoes off at the person’s home on the way home from work.

The food they ate was grown/hunted/raised within a day’s journey of their house, though since you can dry apples, and you can make beef jerky, some food could be transported over longer distances.  And for such items, there was someone in the town who owned a horse and cart, and who hired them out to travel to the larger town/city, where such items could be procured, and then be transported back to the village for the people to buy from him.

If we consider the earlier European “revolutions”: The Scientific Revolution, the Artistic Renaissance, The Reformation, The French Revolution, American Revolution, etc., has daily life really changed for the average person on the street? No. (Though, yes TJ, you could argue that the death and violence experienced by urban dwellers in the last two were an impact on daily life.  Fine.  Are the overall conditions of working different as a result? No. Moving on…)

So locally made/grown goods, sold in a local market, with the proceeds remaining local was the norm.

Then the Industrial Revolution happens.  Suddenly goods are made by machines, in large quantities, in a factory, owned by a wealthy guy, far from home. Specialized labor is no longer needed. Electric lights mean the sun isn’t the master of the length of the workday. Goods can be transported large distances, and so can people...

On your blog, after you talk about this with the people around you, post a list of the changes to people’s lives that will come about as the result of the Industrial Revolution.  By changing the very concept of work, how do the social, political, religious, and economic aspects of people’s lives change? How does the concept of the family change? How does the concept of “wealth” change?

Third, take a look at the Luddite response to the Industrial Revolution as described by Horrible Histories, linked up here.

In the same blog post, explain how does our discussion of the actual meaning of the words Radical, Liberal, Conservative and Reactionary help to describe why some responded to the Industrial Revolution in the way they did?

For homework, read pages 825 (Industrial Society) to page 833 (stop at the Socialist Challenge). We will discuss Utopian Socialists and their ideas tomorrow.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Homework for March 27

For tonight, read pages 786-798.  The French Revolution is important for us as a template for revolution: what happened there is repeated, sort of, elsewhere.  So as you read, the details of the revolution are less important than the overview; read accordingly!  The activities of Napoleon are important to pay attention to, and subsequent actions by Bolivar and in Haiti are the primary focus of this assignment.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Homework for March 26

For tonight, watch the TED talk by Niall Ferguson (@nfergus) entitled "6 Killer Apps"  Post a response to him on your blog.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Enlightenment! Homework for March 25

Read pages 781-784 (stop at the American Revolution).

Then read the following excerpts from Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations.  Reading #1, Reading #2.  Be prepared to discuss the ideas he puts forth, and remember that they are mind-blowing for the time period, though you may not find them to be so revolutionary...

Some words you may want to look up before you read the selections:
effectual (and effectual demand)

And you are warned: Adam Smith was a pretty smart guy, so don't expect that he's going to talk down to you as he explains his concept!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Homework for March 20

For tonight, read pages 770-775 in the textbook. We will talk about the Ottomans etc. tomorrow and then take some time to review for the test if people have questions.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Homework for March 19

For tonight, read pages 754-762. Yes, it is the next chapter. No, it will not be part of the test on Friday.

The test will be 70 multiple choice questions, just like the ones before.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Homework for March 17

For tonight, read page 748 and answer the italicized question on your blog.

We will not be meeting tomorrow due to the MCAS schedule.

The video about the Samurai is linked up here. We will be finishing up the scene we were watching on Wednesday, but if you want to watch the whole thing, feel free!

Our test will be on MONDAY, not on Friday!  This does give you some extra time, but it also means that we will be starting the next chapter (it won't be on the test, but we can't lose the day at this point in the year) before the test happens.

And we have a long period on Wednesday, so that means we will have a DBQ to write in the first part of the class!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Homework for March 12

For tonight, read pages 723-731 in the textbook.

I'm looking at a test next week on either Thursday or Friday.  Sounds like there is a Chem test on Thursday, which would make Friday be the day. Check your schedules for Friday and let me know if that day is crowded with other tests.

I'm going to reserve the right to tweak this somewhat, but as of now, the test will be covering the following information:

Chapter 19--Sub Saharan Africa (all)
Chapter 20--page 522-534 (Growth of Christianity through Crusades)
Chapter 21--Latin America and Oceania (all)
Chapter 22--page 576-590 (plague and recovery, early exploration)
Chapter 23--page 612-624 (Trading posts, Russia and Columbian Exchange)
Chapter 25--The Americas and Oceania (pages in class from video project posted earlier, pages 676-686)
Chapter 26 Africa and Atlantic slave trade (all)
Chapter 27 China and Japan

Skip Chapter 24--there are ppts on the blog for the topics we covered.

The test will be the same format as before, 70 multiple choice questions.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Homework for March 10

For tonight, read the selection from Olaudah Equiano on the Middle Passage on page 710 in the textbook.  Compose an answer to the italicized question on your blog.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Homework over the weekend of March 8th

Today in class you should write a practice DBQ. 55 minutes is what you should take to write it. This will not be graded! It is just to practice putting the pieces together, so if you don't finish, don't worry! Once that is done, make a map that combines the two maps in the next chapter about Africa.

Over the weekend, your homework is to read pages 696-712, finish the map if need be, and post on your blog a reaction to writing the essay; How was it? what was easy/hard/surprising about it? What went well/ was challenging?

homework for march 6

For homework:
1) Bring your DBQ packet to class tomorrow!  We will be taking the first 55 minutes of the class to write a practice essay based on those documents.  I will have some extras, but you won't have your notes/groupings to build off of if you have to use one of the spares. The rest of the class will be spent on mapping Africa in the next chapter.

2) Post on your blog:  On what would you assess the promotional video projects in your topic areas from last night? What do you think matters the most? What matters the least? Who did a good job with the project and why?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Come to the New World!

For tonight: look at the promotional materials you have been assigned: Topic 1 look at Topic 2; Topic 2 look at Topic 3; Topic 3 look at Topic 1. This is what I have as of 5 pm.  I'll update with whatever else I get by 7.

Topic 1 (Spaniards to the New World) links:

Topic 2 (Europeans to North America) links:

Topic 3 (Portuguese to South America) links:

Sunday, March 2, 2014

What to do in class while I'm away

Hi folks-

So while I’m at this conference, here’s what I’d like you to do to work with the contents of the next chapter in the textbook, chapter 25.

In pairs (listed below) create a promotional video for one of the following topics:

1) Recruiting Spaniards to the Central/South American continent as colonists. pages 664-673, 676-680
2) Recruiting Europeans to the North American continent to settle. pages 673-675, 677, 682-684
3) Recruiting Portuguese to the South American continent as colonists. 671-673, 676-678, 681-682

In your video you must make reference to the geography/climate, economic prospects, social opportunities, and the political system of the “new world.” You should include images and text to supplement your voice and pictures. Your grade will be based on how well you cover the above areas, and all members of the group must be seen and heard in the final product.

It doesn’t matter what app you use, but the final product must be exportable/share-able.  So edmodo, showme, touchcast are suggested options, as is iMovie if you have that app.

This project will be due at the end of the period on Wednesday. Viewing them will be your homework for that evening. In the event of a snow day on Monday, we will slide the project by one day and it will be due on Thursday.

The pairs (and 1 trio) are: Topic

Harsha, Danny 1
TJ, Manas 2
Yash, Prateek 3
August, Colin 3
Ashwini, Julia, Ansh 2
Xavier, Hammad 1
Praveen, Eric 2
Kevin, Stuti 3
Anu, Michael 1
Hiren, Aman 2
Jay, Nikhil 3
Twinkle, Paul 1