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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Homework to Leap into March

For tonight, read pages 631-636.  In the (unlikely) event of a snow day tomorrow, period 1's DBQ will happen on Friday in a shortened version, along with Period 2's full length DBQ.  The scoring guide for the DBQ is linked here; I encourage you to review it!

Feel free to post comments about the way today's PPT went (shared on the iPads vs. projected on the screen) Which do you prefer? Why? Is this worth doing again?  I'm happy to do it either way in the future, but I'd rather work in a manner that is more helpful.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Slideshare of February 29th Powerpoint. happy Leap Day!

Homework February 28th

For tonight, read pages 620-626 in the textbook.  We won't be discussing the contents in class, so be sure you do whatever you have to do in order to remember the material later on!

There will be a DBQ during your next long block, so for period 1, that means yours will be on Thursday 3/1, Period 2 on Friday 3/2, and period 4 on Tuesday, 3/6. I will re-post the scoring guide tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Homework, Immediate and longer term

For tonight, prepare for the quiz on chapter 22. You will be given 5 terms and need to compose two sentences per term, one that defines the term and one that explains the significance. You will be penalized if you write more than two sentences!

The February Book/Movie report description is linked up here. Please note that you can still read a book, or you can watch a movie, but regardless you are writing a paper afterward. Be sure to plan your time accordingly. I'm re-linking the book list here, as it has been a while since you've seen it. Do remember that I can read just as well as you can... ;) Those of you researching Zheng He, the book 1421 by Gavin Menzies is a thought provoking read, and his follow up 1434 has just made people plain old mad...

The Explorers Facebook Project is due on Friday at the beginning of the class, so be sure you are working toward completing that. You will have time tomorrow after the quiz to work on your posts/walls.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Homework for February 14

Happy Valentine's Day! For tonight, read pages 585-591 (finish the chapter.) We will have a quiz on chapter 22 on Thursday--it will be 5 identifications and significance.

The explorer's project is due at the start of class on Friday, February 17. The rubric for the project is linked up here.

Don't forget the movie poster!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Homework for February 13

For tonight, read pages 576 to the top of 585. (two sentences at the top of the page.) We will talk briefly about the plague tomorrow before you have more time to work on the explorer's facebook project. The project is due at the start of class on Friday.

There will be no essay this week, though we will have a quiz on chapter 22 on Thursday. There will be a DBQ during the next round of long periods after vacation, so that's something to look forward to...

On the Tuesday we return from vacation, (February 28th) we will have a test on Chapters 18, 19, 21 and 22. You'll notice that we don't spend lots of time going over the details of the chapters in class, but the test format will not change: still multiple choice questions.  This means you have to assume more responsibility of reading carefully! I strongly suggest taking notes...We will have a review on Monday the 27th.

Lastly, you will have another book report due after vacation.  There is a twist: instead of reading a book, you may watch a movie that purports to depict events from history. (i.e.: Ben Hur, Robin Hood, and yes, even some Disney movies...sigh.) and offer a critique of the movie from the standpoint of the historian--what did the movie get right? what did the movie gloss over or miss?  I will have an assignment sheet to go along with the book report assignment sheet and share it with you, so watch this space for future updates!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Homework for the weekend of Feb. 10

Over the weekend, read pages 565-576 in the book, which starts chapter 22.  You will have a quiz on Chapter 21 on Monday.  The format will be matching.  Be careful what you ask for! ;)  As a bit of advanced notice, I am contemplating an essay in the middle of next week (Wednesday the 15th) and a test the week we return from vacation...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Homework february 9

For tonight, finish the chapter, read to page 562. Period two, you can see what we did today by logging into twitter and searching the hash tag #incaroads.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Homework for February 8

For tonight read the selection about the Incas, pages 550-555.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

homework for February 7

For tonight, your assignment is to read pages 540-549 in the textbook.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Somewhere, Over the weekend...

You should finish reading the chapter, so pages 496-504.  There will be a quiz on Chapter 19 on Tuesday, the format of which will be revealed on Monday (I'm writing it over the weekend...) but it will not be multiple choice, and it will last no more than 20 minutes.

Go Pats!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


For tonight, read the excerpt from the Epic of Sundiata in the textbook on page 490. After reading it, write a blog post about the pros and cons of learning history through the methods of the griot we discussed today.  If you need to remember what a griot is all about, the sites are still posted on the site linked up here.  Would you prefer to learn history through storytelling, music and dance, or through the textbook methods we use in US society? Why?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Homework for February 1

did you say rabbit rabbit?

For tonight, read pages 483-496. You can skip the primary source documents.

Here is the powerpoint from today's class so you can see the map on your own time.