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Monday, February 13, 2012

Homework for February 13

For tonight, read pages 576 to the top of 585. (two sentences at the top of the page.) We will talk briefly about the plague tomorrow before you have more time to work on the explorer's facebook project. The project is due at the start of class on Friday.

There will be no essay this week, though we will have a quiz on chapter 22 on Thursday. There will be a DBQ during the next round of long periods after vacation, so that's something to look forward to...

On the Tuesday we return from vacation, (February 28th) we will have a test on Chapters 18, 19, 21 and 22. You'll notice that we don't spend lots of time going over the details of the chapters in class, but the test format will not change: still multiple choice questions.  This means you have to assume more responsibility of reading carefully! I strongly suggest taking notes...We will have a review on Monday the 27th.

Lastly, you will have another book report due after vacation.  There is a twist: instead of reading a book, you may watch a movie that purports to depict events from history. (i.e.: Ben Hur, Robin Hood, and yes, even some Disney movies...sigh.) and offer a critique of the movie from the standpoint of the historian--what did the movie get right? what did the movie gloss over or miss?  I will have an assignment sheet to go along with the book report assignment sheet and share it with you, so watch this space for future updates!

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