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Friday, February 11, 2011

US China Relations

Below are the choices for presentation topics.  They are not listed in any particular order, nor have dates been assigned.  By Monday, send me an email that lets me know what your top three choices are.  If you want to work with someone else, please indicate that in the email.  If you have an idea for a topic that is not listed, I'm happy to talk with you about the possibility of doing that as well.

Comparison: Deng Xiaoping and Jimmy Carter
Comparison: Deng Xiaoping and Ronald Reagan
Comparison: Deng Xiaoping and George HW Bush
Comparison: Jiang Zemin and Bill Clinton
Comparison: Jiang Zemin and George W. Bush
Comparison: Hu Jintao and George W. Bush
Comparison: Hu Jintao and Barak Obama
Comparison: Xi Jianping and Sarah Palin
Comparison: Chinese nuclear program and US nuclear program
Comparison: Chinese Space Exploration and US Space Exploration
Comparison: Chinese military (air and naval forces) and US military (air and naval)
Comparison: PRC in the U.N. and US in the U.N.
Information: Intellectual Property Rights and the PRC
Information: China and air pollution
Information: China and desertification
Information:  Tibet under PRC rule
Information: Hong Kong, 1 Country, 2 systems
Information: Taiwanese Democracy, what are the parties, how does it work?
Information: What is the World Trade Organization and how does it work?
Information: China and water availability

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