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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday's Homework 10/2

For tonight, peruse your classmates' posts about Democracy. (Protopage containing the addresses is linked up here) Spot the trend in your thinking.

Then watch the Daily Show interview with King Abdullah II of Jordan, part one linked up here and part two linked up here. This probably won't load at school due to lovely lightspeed and the should be able to find it on youtube, but beware, he's been on before, so you want the September 25th 2012 episode.  Compose a post for your blog: based on what you've written about Democracy in all of your blogs, and given what we've seen with Democracy's implementation in the rest of the Middle East (Iraq, Egypt, Tunis, Libya), is King Abdullah II of Jordan facing failure with what he's trying to do or do you think he can succeed? Why?

1 comment:

  1. The fact we're being required to watch the Daily Show for a history class makes BHS the greatest high school ever.
