As you prepare for the mid-term examination on Wednesday, here's what you should remember:
1. The first section is 35 multiple choice questions. You will have 28 minutes to answer them. Then you will get the second section which is the essays (COT and C/C). You will have the remainder of the time to write one essay, and do a quick outline of the second. You will choose which you wish to write and which you wish to outline. Remember these essays are about scoring points, not about writing a formal essay! I will not be stopping you or calling time to finish one essay topic and move to another. You will need to manage your own time. If you qualify for extended time, you must still stop part one at the end of 28 minutes, and stop again at the end of the examination period. You may then return during the make-up period to complete whichever portion(s) of the exam remains.
2. You have 20 chapters of material to review. 1-5 are all Foundational era, and will NOT be a major part of the exam. Ch.6 contains Central and South America and Oceania. Though it is Foundational era, it is going to be part of the exam! Questions will not necessarily be evenly distributed through time and space. (So I feel no obligation to ensure that each region and time period receives equitable time on the exam.) I will recycle some questions from previous tests, but the majority will be ones you have not seen before.
3. You will need to have a number 2 pencil for the multiple choice section, and a pen with either blue or black ink for the second section. I will have no additional writing implements with me other than the ones that live in the art basket in my room. Students who do not follow the writing implement directions will have their essays and/or score sheets disqualified, and marks of zero will be entered.
4. You may not eat during the exam, but you may drink water. NOT coffee, soda, sports drinks, etc., only water.
5. iPads, cell phones, laptops and other electronic devices are not permitted to be out or on during the exam. You may not have a headphone in at any point during the exam. Students who attempt to use electronic devices during the exam will have their exams taken and a score of zero entered.
6. Once the exam begins, I can not answer any questions. You are on your own to figure out the exam. You may not speak to me or anyone else. Talking during the exam will lead to the exam being taken from you and a grade of zero being entered. Similarly, any student caught cheating on the exam will have the exam taken away and a grade of zero entered. We will also need to meet with the Principal and your parents for additional school-based consequences.
7. Lastly, and most importantly:
Good luck!
That meme... I don't think it memes what you think it memes...