For tonight, read pages 515-522 in the textbook.
Upcoming reminders:
The Crusades project is due at the start of class on Friday, January 11. Thursday will be a work period for you.
The test on Chapters 17, 19 and 20 will be on Wednesday, January 16. It will consist of between 40 and 50 multiple choice questions. (I will settle on the exact number by the end of the week.)
Your mid-term will be on January 23! Start reviewing now, as it will cover the first 20 chapters of the textbook. It will consist of 40 multiple choice questions, a full essay and an outlined essay. One will be Compare and Contrast, the other will be Change Over Time. You will have choice of topics. (So for the full essay there will be two essay topics from which to choose, and for the outline there will be two topics from which to choose.) You will need to bring a pencil and a pen with blue or black ink.
A study suggestion: take the 5 themes of the course and begin to identify information that fits under each theme for each region in each time period we've examined thus far. Color code it!
Another study suggestion: re-read your blog! tag assignments you've posted by region and time period and theme. Then you can re-organize the information to identify trends
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