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Friday, May 20, 2011

May Madness Debate Format

Format for the Rounds

Round 1: Materials: None Allowed (no visuals, props or costumes)
                Format: Each leader is allowed a 3 minute statement. Topic: Who are you and what were your greatest accomplishments? Following the statement, each may ask the other two questions.  The higher seed asks first, then lower seed asks, then higher, then lower. You have one minute to answer the questions and time will be called.

Round 2: Materials: Visual, Costume, Prop ALL OPTIONAL
                Format: Each leader is allowed a 3 minute statement. Topic: What is your lasting legacy and what makes you a ruler worthy of this competition? Following the statement, each may ask the other two questions. The higher seed asks first, then lower seed asks, then higher, then lower. You have one minute to answer the question and time will be called.

Round 3: Materials: Visual required; Costume, Prop optional.
                Format: Questions from the lackeys.   Your lackeys may ask you questions to demonstrate: what are your greatest strengths? Your opponent’s lackeys may ask you questions to elicit: what were your greatest mistake(s)? Each leader will be given 7 minutes for each topic.  During that time, your goal is to spend as much time on the positives.  Friendly lackeys will go first for both leaders, hostile lackeys make up the second round.  Lackeys will have to assume that they will have an uncooperative speaker during the hostile round.

Round 4: Materials: Visual, Prop required; costume, optional
                Format: Questions from the Commissioner.  I will ask all manner of questions on all subjects, including hypothetical situations and how you would react to modern problems.  Stay in character!  The questioning will go for 10 minutes each, alternating leaders.  Leaders will then have 5 minutes to make a closing statement.

Round 5: (Finals): Materials: Visual, Costume, Prop ALL REQUIRED
                Format: Jury Questions. Each leader will face a jury comprised of the final two defeated opponents for each class’ victor and special guests.  The jury member will have 1 minute to make a statement and ask a question of each finalist.  Then each finalist will have 2 minutes to explain why he/she is the GREATEST RULER OF ALL TIME.  Then the jury will vote by secret ballot to determine the winner.

*Note: You do not need to speak for the full time allotted.  That is a cap, not a minimum.
**Visuals, props and costumes are at your discretion. A costume could be a hat, a stick on mustache, or it could be a full outfit.  A visual could be a map, a picture, a poster, or a short video. It does have to be of your composition or significant modification! They must be presented within your time allotment.

You may have one 3x5 index card for notes for each debate.
You should be in character as your leader; however, NO VIOLENCE! And keep the language PG-13.

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