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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

In class, February 27

For today's class, you should first take the reading quiz that is linked up here. You should take no more than 15 minutes to answer the questions and submit the form.

Then, in the time you have remaining, use your iPad to compose a hierarchical flow chart of the social classes in both South America (Spanish and Portuguese) and North America. You should have a chart for each society that exists in the region.  Indicate which group had power and status, and, where relevant, indicate where/if gender played a role as well. You may use the book for this, but you can also test yourself to see what you remember from the reading by trying to do it without the book.  Since this was the major point of the reading, if you are drawing a blank, you need to think about how you are reading!

To do this you may use any of a number of apps, and you may choose which works best for you. InFlowChartLite will do the job quite nicely, as will old stand-bys ShowMe or Educreations, but you choose.  You must post an image of your chart (that is readable) to your blog.  Screenshot it if you must and crop out the unnecessary portions, or you can send it from the app to your camera role (inflowchart allows this if you first select all) or however the app allows it to happen.

For homework, go to the protopage that contains your blogs and look through what others have done.  Comment on ones you like, or give some constructive suggestions to others that don't work as well for you. Please don't send me an email asking me how many you should comment on, comment on the ones that you like/don't like.

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