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Friday, November 16, 2012

In class and homework 11/16

This chapter contains lots of information that you need to know.  There are many names, terms, and ideas that are new and important.  Working in a group of no more than 4, design a quiz that would cover this chapter. (You probably can use a google document, but as long as you all can share it with me, I don't care what you use.)  Your quiz must have the following three sections:

      1. Terms/names--you must ask questions or design an activity that checks to see if the person taking the quiz can successfully identify the terms/names and their significance.

      2. Timeline--you must ask questions that allow the quiz-taker to place the important events in order of occurrence.

      3. Themes--you must cause the quiz taker to articulate how the themes of this course (Remember them? They are posted waaaaay back at the start of the class) show up in the dar-al-Islam in this time period.

      Oh, and the quiz should be do-able in 20 minutes or less...That means you don't have to cover everything!  Just cover what you believe to be important! That also means it doesn't have to be even--you could decide that the themes are less important, so you have fewer questions.

How you design the quiz (the format of the questions, etc.) is entirely up to you.  The quiz you make will be graded as a (gasp) quiz! It will be worth 30 points total.

So your information must be:

  • factually correct (no wrong information or incorrect spellings!); 
  • you must have the three sections with questions/relevant activities; 
  • and you must include a key/answers to the quiz.  
All of your names must be on it, and everyone will get the same grade for the work. It must be done and shared with me by the end of the class. Any not done and shared by the end of class today will automatically lose 5 points. You aren't going to be taking these quizzes, so don't worry about making them super easy so you don't become less popular...

For homework, dive into the next chapter. We are going back to China, but adding in Japan and Korea as well. Read pages 375-383.

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