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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

In class work for November 9th

So, let's try something a little new today. You may want to work with a partner for all the steps, just because two iPads may be better than one...

Step one: Open up your ShowMe app (the whiteboard one we've used with maps) and press the menu button at the top left. That will take you to your library, which will have a button in the top left called "ShowMe community." Press that button, and that will take you to Once there, type in the search box "How to write a COT essay." The ShowMe I made should be your first option. Open it up and watch! (The sound quality gets a little dim toward the end--I might have accidentally covered the mic while writing...sorry!) That will step you through the COT essay writing process. You may want to watch it more than once. (Not because it is so cool, fun and interesting, but just to be sure you get it...)

The scoring guide for the essay is linked up here. Take a look at it.

Once you've watched and read, using the Byzantine Empire and the Roman Empire, look for and write down 1 change and 1 continuity in each of the following areas: Politics, Economics, Religion, Technology, Gender Roles, and Social Class.  Then see how many pieces of evidence (not more than 5) you can find to support the change and the continuity, and write them down. (There are not 5 for each, so find as many as you can!) You may work in pairs or singly, and you should make use of the textbooks stacked up in the corner of the room, as well as any internet sources you think would be helpful (but I don't think you'll need them.) For example, you can say that one continuity politically was the presence of the emperor in both, but the change was the role of the emperor. Then find 5 pieces of evidence, split between the two.

For homework over the long weekend, Do a few things:
1) Appreciate that the calendar will read 11/11/11...won't happen again for a long time!
2) Find a veteran and thank him or her for his or her service.
3) Finish reading Chapter 13.  Look up the conversion of Prince Vladimir to get a little more information about this moment in Russian history. On your blog, reflect on his conversion and Constantine's conversion. Are they similar moments in history, or different? Explain your answer!
4) Please tell your parents that I'm sorry, but I won't be able to meet them for conferences on Thursday.

Enjoy the long weekend!

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