I just thought of something: good people do their homework. You are all good people (by your own admission in class today--you would all help the toddler in trouble...except for Peter...) Good people do their homework. Therefore, you all do your homework...So many logical fallacies, so little time...
For tonight, read the selections from the Dao De Jing, the classic text from the Daoist philosophy. The selections are linked here. Remember that you may not understand them completely, or well, and that is actually part of the point...They exist to make you think, not to give you an answer, so you may find that you "get it" without really getting it at all, and then you think about it and the answer is gone because you thought about it...we'll explain it tomorrow...maybe...
The whole of the DDJ is linked up here, in case you want to read more of it...Translations vary, and you can see from my selections that there are differences that make a difference in how different people read the DDJ, and that can make a difference to how you understand it... So feel free to read Lau's translation on that website if you find mine isn't as clear as you'd like.
Remember, I'd like to figure out a good way to assess your blogs, so your other assignment is to think about what makes a good blog entry? Is it different from other writing, or should it be treated the same? Do conventions of English matter as much on a blog?
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