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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Vacation

Have a great time on vacation!
Now let me ruin it somewhat...

When we come back, we have two weeks before mid-term exams. Here's what's going to happen:

1) Re-writes are due in class on the Tuesday we return (January 3).
2) The book report is due Thursday (January 5) by the start of your class period. The book list is linked here.

We will be jumping ahead to Chapter 20 (Western Europe) which we will read over two days.
We will have a DBQ during a regular class period (45 minutes)
We will have one project in that time period.
You will have two more essay grades, two project grades, some homework grades and participation before the term ends.

We will spend three days reviewing for the mid-term, which will consist of 40 multiple choice questions and two essays.

We will then return to chapter 18 and put the Mongols on trial.

See you in 2012...

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holiday Traditions homework

Periods 1 & 2: We will be going to Holiday Traditions tomorrow (check into class first, then we'll go down). Your assignment while there is to choose a tradition that you think links to a religion/philosophy we have studied thus far.  Take a picture of the table (and participants if they are willing!) and upload it to your blog with an explanation of the connections.

Otherwise, Posterous posts are due by the end of the day tomorrow along with a picture for your account. Be sure not to overlap topics that are already done! 4th period will have time in class to work on them.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Homework for December 19

For tonight, post to your blog any trends you saw with the questions you were getting wrong in Jeopardy today. This can be categories, chapters, regions, people, etc. Look for what you don't know to help you figure out what to study.

Don't forget about the Posterous assignment due on Thursday, both your photo and the post. You will have time in class on Thursday to finish it up.

The test is Wednesday, chapters 13-17, 60 multiple choice questions. We will play flyswatter tomorrow...

Additional review materials

Post Classical Era 13 & 14 - Crossword Labs

Post Classical Era 15 & 16 - Crossword Labs

Some other ways to review for you!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Test Review and Posterous

Over the weekend, you should review for the test.  The test will be on the Post-Classical Era, chapters 13-17 inclusive.  There will be 60 multiple choice questions on the test.  As part of the review, each table group, formed today, is to make a jeopardy review game using  If you were absent today due to leadership training, you are free to make your own game.  Once you have the game made, please paste the link to the game on the google document linked here so we can all find them in class on Monday, when they will be played.

As we are at the end of the Post-Classical Era, there is another Posterous assignment that is due.  This assignment will be due by the end of the school day on Thursday, December 22, and you will have time in class on Thursday to complete it.  In short, you are to find a metaphorical image that represents the societies we have studied in the Post-Classical Era.  Details are posted on the Posterous class space.  Please note that, as this is our third time through this assignment, you will no longer be given leeway if you post to your own space, or otherwise incorrectly post the assignment.  Assignments that are not properly located by the deadline will receive a 0, even if you post it to your own space.  Finally, you must have a picture of yourself uploaded to your account by Thursday as well; this will also be a homework assignment grade.

Lastly, there will be a book report that will be due on Thursday, January 5th.  It will follow the same format as the Thanksgiving book report, in that you have the choice of a fiction or non-fiction book, and the assignment is to compose a review of the book that matches up with the requirements delineated in the rubric linked here.  The list of books you may read is linked here; please feel free to add in a review in the form of stars (5 stars for excellent, 1 star for burn it) next to the book you read the last time to help each other make a choice. Please do not add or remove books!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Benedictine Rules homework

For tonight's assignment, take a look at the Benedictine Rules emailed to your school email account in class today. At the end of the reading are "Focus Questions." Read over the document and compose answers to questions 4 and 5 on your blog. In order to get a 3 (full credit on the assignment) you must refer to the document in your answers to the questions.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Homework for December 14

Your homework for tonight is to finish the chapter.  We will go over the development of Christianity in Europe tomorrow. Then we talk about the Vikings...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Homework for December 12

what are you doing, procrastinating? You have a Compare and Contrast essay in class tomorrow, looking at post-classical India and China. The themes that could generate topics are in yesterday's post. The score guide is linked up here.

Now stop stalling, and go get work done...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Homework for December 12

For tonight, read the next section in the textbook, 443-449 on life in Europe in the post classical era.

The score guide for the compare and contrast essay is linked here.

The five themes of the course are:
1.  Patterns and impacts of interactions between humans and the environment (demography, disease, migration)
2. Development and interactions of cultures (religions, belief systems, philosophies, science and technology, arts and architecture)

3.  State building, expansion and conflict (political structures and forms of government, empires)
4. Creation, expansion and interaction of economic systems (agricultural and pastoral production, trade and commerce, labor systems)
5. Development and transformation of social structures (gender roles and relations, family and kinship, racial and ethnic structures and social and economic class systems.)


Friday, December 9, 2011

Homework for the long weekend, 12/9

Over the weekend, read pages 433-443 in chapter 17. Notes are highly encouraged.

On Wednesday 12/14 you will write a compare and contrast essay (Post-Classical India and China) in class. Please note that we will be discussing Europe on Monday and Tuesday, so you will be somewhat removed from the information; I suggest getting organized and reviewing the material over the long weekend.

On Wednesday 12/21, there will be a test on the Post Classical Era, chapters 13-17. It will consist of 60-ish multiple choice questions. We will review on Tuesday 12/20, and I will be after school that day for anyone who wants to ask last minute questions.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Homework 12/7--Southernization Continues

For tonight, read the second article in the packet by John Voll. (interesting trivia: He is the father of my best friend from high school...just imagine what the dinner table conversation was like at his house...)  Be prepared to sum up his argument/rebuttal in class. We'll then debate Southernization.

Upcoming of note to you all: The Compare and Contrast Essay on Post classical China and India will be in class on Wednesday, December 14th.

Also, the test on the Post-Classical era will be on Wednesday December 21st.  We will review on Tuesday.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Reading for December 6 and 7

For tonight, you should read the article called "Southernization" by Lynda Shaffer. It is linked here. There is a second article by John O. Voll, that is a rebuttal to Shaffer's argument.

This reading is not exactly easy to follow, so be sure that you read it carefully and actively. Feel free to print it if that will help you digest it. We will discuss the first article tomorrow, and the second article on Thursday and then argue about with whom we agree.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Homework for December 5

For tonight, read pages 418-428 to finish up Chapter 16. Tomorrow we will talk about Sufism, the Bhakti movement and India's influence on Southeast Asia.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Homework for the weekend of December 3

Over the weekend, read pages 410-418. You want to set up charts or whatever device will help you to categorize and remember the information in this chapter for future COT or C/C essays!